Long term estate planning to look after those we care about most is a very important factor in everyone’s life. At Geraldine Gillece & Co Solicitors we will discuss every element of estate planning with you and draft the appropriate Will for you as per your wishes. Our experienced staff will advise you regarding all tax implications to enable you create the most tax efficient Will possible. We have many years experience in dealing in the administration of an estate. We understand that dealing with the death of a loved one is one of the most difficult times in anyone’s life. At Geraldine Gillece & Co Solicitors we will talk you through the process and our expert staff will provide all the expertise and care to make this process as manageable as possible for you. We will deal with each and every aspect of this process to include drafting and preparing all relevant documents for the Probate Office, dealing with Social Welfare and the Revenue Commissioners right through to the distribution of the estate and vesting of any property to the relevant beneficiaries. Our expert staff will also be in a position to advise you regarding all the various taxes which may become payable to Social Welfare and the Revenue and we will also be in a position to deal with all issues which may arise should there be difficulties or disputes surrounding a Will and will advise you accordingly in this regard. Please contact us now to discuss any Probate matter with us or to arrange a consultation. If you intend making a Will and we will send you out the appropriate instruction sheet in advance of our consultation

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We would be very pleased to hear from you regarding your legal concerns and if you require any further information please contact us. Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. Ph: 045 - 849027 / 045 - 866957